Hello! My name is Lindsay Latimer and I’m a technical writer and lifestyle blogger. I’ve been a huge bourbon fan for about 10 years and love meeting other women (and men!) who enjoy drinking it as much as I do.
I had my first taste of bourbon in college, courtesy of my dad. After battling a months-long cold and laryngitis (thanks, dorm living!), he insisted on making me a hot toddy while I was home for the weekend. I’d been intimidated by bourbon until that point, but it worked like magic and I’ve sworn by the healing powers of it ever since.
When work brought me to Frankfort, Kentucky after college, I was thrilled to be within a stone’s throw of several distilleries, including Buffalo Trace. As anyone who lives near the distillery will tell you, one of life’s greatest pleasures is the ability to smell bourbon mash on crisp autumn mornings – that’s when you know it’s nearly bourbon-drinking season. There’s nothing like walking out your front door and being hit with the reminder that you’re in the heart of bourbon country.
When I decided to start a blog a couple of years ago, I wanted the name to reflect my personality and lifestyle. After some back and forth, I finally decided on Bourbon and Lipstick. I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate. My blog has helped me meet and converse with women all over the country and I’ve been able to introduce them to cocktails and recipes featuring bourbon as the main ingredient. And I’ve received quite an education from some fellow bourbon-loving gals.
Many men are surprised to learn that I prefer bourbon to what they consider more “feminine” cocktails, but, growing up it Kentucky it seems like second nature. Most women I know, including my mom and sisters, prefer its taste to that of vodka and other liquor. And my significant other loves to tell the story of us ordering bourbon while out on a date: I ordered it on the rocks, as is my nature, and he ordered his with Coke. The bartender handed me the Coke version. We smiled as we made the switch. I’m proud to say I’ve finally converted him to appreciate the natural taste of bourbon – you won’t find much bourbon mixing in our house nowadays.
We do enjoy an occasional hot toddy during the winter months and “MoCo Mule” (my name for bourbon, Ale8 and lime, based on growing up in Montgomery County) in the spring and summer, and we’re never without a bottle of our favorite libation. Bourbon is such an integral part of our lives: from the name of my personal lifestyle blog, Bourbon, Lipstick & Stilettos, to sharing a cocktail on Sunday nights, to my favorite whiskey-scented candles, to the bourbon and vanilla perfume I wear every day, to the old bottle of Maker’s Mark on my bar car that belonged to my beloved grandfather, you’ll find touches of bourbon everywhere. And I know that no matter where I go, bourbon will always taste like home.
I am honored to be able to share bourbon tales with the Whisky Chicks!